2022-2026 Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan Guidance

Important Update Regarding the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan Guidance for 2022-2026 |
On June 30th, HRSA HAB and CDC-DHAP released the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan Guidance, including the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need, CY 2022-2026, which outlines the planning requirements for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Parts A and B recipients and all DHAP-funded state and local health departments. CDC and HRSA expect that RWHAP Part A and B recipients and DHAP funded state and local health departments will continue to use existing Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans and other jurisdictional plans (e.g., Ending the HIV Epidemic [EHE] Plans, Fast Track Cities) as their jurisdictional HIV Strategy or roadmap until submission of the new integrated plan due in December 2022. Many jurisdictions have already developed EHE Plans; CDC and HRSA encourage jurisdictions to use the appendices and checklists included in the new guidance for instructions on how to leverage existing EHE documents to satisfy submission requirements. To learn more, visit: https://targethiv.org/ihap |