Important Update Regarding the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan Guidance for 2022-2026 On June 30th, HRSA HAB and CDC-DHAP released the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan Guidance, including the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need, CY 2022-2026, which outlines the planning requirements for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Parts A and B recipients and all DHAP-funded state and local health departments. CDC and HRSA expect that RWHAP Part A […]

Safe Return to Planning Council Plan
Planning Council Support and the RWHAP Part A and B’s office have worked together closely to develop a Safe Return to Planning Council plan that outlines our minimum precautions and processes for conducting in-person meetings. We encourage you to please review the safety plan below and contact PCS with any questions or concerns. Safe Return to Planning Council Building Safety Masks or face coverings will be required and worn by persons at all […]
Orlando Service Area CQM Plan 2019
Orlando Service Area_CQM Plan_Sept. 2019
Data Presentation Process
Prioroty Setting Process
Memorandum of Understanding
Planning Council By-Laws
Standards of Care
HIV and Housing Instability in Central Florida