Ending the HIV Epidemic Funding Opportunity-Kara J Williams
Greetings Everyone,
Click Here: Transwomen Statement of Work Purchase Order
This email is regarding a funding opportunity through the Area 7 Program Office for Ending the HIV Epidemic. The scope of work is for accelerating services to increase outreach (HIV/STI education), testing (HIV/STI Testing), and testing follow-up (Linkage to HIV Care and PrEP Services) for Transwomen in Central Florida. The expected date to begin work is January 1, 2021 or on the date of the purchase order whichever is later. It will end at midnight, Eastern Time on 6/30/2021.
The State of Florida’s performance and obligation to pay under this purchase order and any subsequent renewal is contingent upon annual appropriation by the Legislature and satisfactory performance of the Contractor. Please see the attached document indicating the contractor qualifications and experience, the contractors responsibilities required for this funding.
If you are interested in this funding opportunity please submit a proposal and budget to [email protected] and [email protected]
The time frame to respond to this funding opportunity is by Close of Business December 4, 2020. The Budget for this scope of work is to not exceed $34,000.00.
Kara Johnson Williams, MPA
Medical Healthcare Program Analyst/HIV AIDS Program Coordinator
Florida Department of Health in Orange County
Area 7 HIV/AIDS Program Office