Become An Associate Member

Get involved by applying to be an Associate Member of the Council

If you have a passion for collaboration and community involvement, then you should become a member of the Central Florida HIV Planning Council. YOU can a part of Florida’s strategy to end the HIV epidemic!

Become a member and…

  • Make a difference in your community
  • Stay current on local issues
  • Network with other stakeholders
  • Receive training opportunities
  • Engage our community
  • Be a part of Florida’s strategy to end the HIV epidemic
  • & more

Associate Members of the Planning Council 

As an Associate Member, you have the privilege of participating and voting at the committee level (please note that Associate Members on the Membership & Engagement Committee are unable to vote on membership decisions). Not able to commit to more than one meeting? Not to worry! Associate membership will suit you perfectly. Associate Members also have the option to fully participate in CFHPC Work Groups and Ad Hocs. Click one of the links below to start your application with your preferred method. 

Online Membership Application (takes approx. 15-20 minutes)

Member Application- Printable Version