CFHPC Member Application

About the Planning Council

The Central Florida HIV Planning Council is an integrated planning and advisory body to plan the organization and delivery of services provided under Part A and Part B of the Ryan White Treatment Extension Act of 2009.
Our Mission:
To improve the quality of life for individuals with HIV by responding to their existing and emerging needs and to provide educational and behavioral strategies to targeted populations, to reduce and prevent the spread of HIV.
Our Vision:
To ensure a quality continuum of care for all individuals and families infected with, affected by and at risk for HIV disease.

HIV Planning Council Committees (please read)

Service Systems Planning & Quality: Responsible for overseeing and making improvements to the system of care from prevention to viral suppression, updating Standards of Care, assessing the efficiency of the Administrative Mechanism, monitoring of performance for clinical quality management activities, and coordinating with federal recipients.

This committee is also responsible for the coordination of integrated planning, the annual Needs Assessment, special studies and town halls, reviewing data and management of data presentation, oversight of the PSRA process, monitoring of expenditures, and approval of reallocations across service categories.

Membership & Engagement: Responsible for recruitment and retention of members, ensuring parity, inclusion and representation, overseeing an open nominations process and providing member orientation and training. The committee will make recommendations for committee assignments. Associate members on this committee are unable to vote on membership decisions.

This committee is also responsible for developing marketing and recruitment strategies, maintaining social media and website, providing public information and education, and coordinating community events and activities.

The Application Process

Once you complete this application (be sure to e-sign the Statement of Member Commitment) and the Central Florida HIV Planning Council Information Sheet, then click “Submit”.

  • Once received, your application will be reviewed to ensure it is complete. We will send an e-mail to confirm that we received the application.
  • You will need to attend a Planning Council meeting and either a committee meeting or the Ryan White Community Meeting. Please see the calendar for our meeting schedule. 
  • After attending the two meetings, as mentioned above, an interview will be scheduled.
  • Your application will then be added to the pool of applicants.
  • At each monthly Membership Committee meeting, the membership profile of the Planning Council is reviewed. If new members are needed, the committee will review all of the current applications.
  • If your application is chosen, you will be contacted to confirm that you wish to participate. If you agree, you will be recommended to the Orange County Chief Elected Official (CEO) for appointment to the Planning Council. Generally, it takes about one to two months for the process to be completed after the interview. You will also be encouraged to take part in Planning Council activities. Once appointed you will be required to attend orientation.
  • We will keep you updated on the status of your application

Contact the Central Florida HIV Planning Council Support (PCS) Team


Phone: (407) 835-0906


Please review the above information before completing this application and be sure to sign the Statement of Member Commitment and the Planning Council Information Sheet.

All information in this application is confidential. It is seen only by the Planning Council Support staff and, as needed, in aggregate by members of the Membership & Engagement Committee and/or the Executive Committee during the application selection process.

Step 1 of 5

CFHPC Member Online Application

This should take about 15-20 minutes.
For more information on the CFHPC's membership types, please visit the "About Us" pages.

Contact Information

Members are encouraged to create a separate and unique email address for planning council business due to Florida Sunshine Laws.

Agency/Organization Affiliation

This is to determine if there is already representation from your current agency/organization. This answer is only viewed by Planning Council Support (PCS).

Statement of Member Commitment

Statement of Member Commitment (please type your first and last name as your e-signature before moving to the next section)
Please type your first and last name as your signature.