Partner Highlights
We interviewed one of our EHE community partner organizations, Hope and Help Center of Central Florida, Inc, about their upcoming work to implement a Syringe Service Program (SSP) in Orange County. Syringe service programs (SSPs) distribute sterile syringes, safer drug use supplies, and education to people who inject drugs using a harm reduction approach. Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm Reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs.
Please introduce yourselves…
Adam Troy, Prevention Manager and Robert Reyes, Syringe Service Program Coordinator
Is the syringe program the first of its type in Orange County?
Yes, although Florida approved the Miami pilot program back in 2016, syringe exchange programs remained illegal until the Infectious Disease Elimination Act was signed into Florida law in 2019. The law allowed Orange County Commissioners to authorize sterile needle and syringe exchange programs for people who inject drugs. Disease prevention must be the goal of every exchange program. Hope & Help will become “IDEA Orlando,” modeled after the IDEA Miami and IDEA Tampa programs.
What services will the syringe program offer?
In addition to targeted outreach and HIV/HCV testing, Hope & Help will provide a one-for-one syringe exchange to people who inject drugs in Orange County. Harm reduction kits containing supplies for wound care and safe injection will be distributed and we also plan to offer life-saving Narcan.
When and where will these services be available?
The syringe program will begin on June 1st, 2021 at Hope & Help‘s main office in Winter Park. We are currently in the process of establishing partnerships with the community to create satellites sites and eventually provide services via mobile unit.
What kind of referrals can a person receive from your program?
We plan to offer free and anonymous HIV and Hepatitis C testing and counseling services. Individuals who test negative will be able to receive referrals for PrEP/PEP while individuals who test reactive will be referred to case management and linked to RW care. Hope & Help will also help refer and link people to substance abuse treatment centers if and when they indicate that they are ready to seek treatment.
What is the overall goal of your program?
We plan to serve 700 individuals in the first year using a harm reduction approach. We will be working closely with IDEA, Florida Department of Health, Orange County and Gilead to collect and manage data that will hopefully result in a reduction of used syringes on the streets of Orange County.
Who can people contact for more information?
Information about the syringe exchange program will be available through Hope & Help‘s website and social media. Folks can also call Hope and Help to speak to someone about enrolling in the program.
What would you like the public to know about your service?
The folks we need to reach are typically people living on the margins of society and disenfranchised. We hope to be a welcome and friendly face to the community in providing these critical services. –Robert Reyes
In addition to the lifetime costs associated with HIV and HCV treatment for those at risk, millions of dollars are spent treating preventable soft tissue infections and providing for other basic needs such as food and housing. SSP programs can impact the community by saving lives and mitigating high costs associated with these needs. – Adam Troy