Ryan White Community Meeting

The Ryan White Community Meeting is an informative, productive, and resource-centered meeting for people with HIV (PWH). While the public is welcomed to this meeting, this is a safe space for local PWH to be informed on the latest Planning Council activities, local Ryan White Program Part A & B updates, receive monthly life-focused presentations, and more. 

If you have system-wide Ryan White related concern or question: 

Submit a Public Comment HERE

Want to order a free at-home HIV test kit? Visit the Talk, Test, Treat website HERE to order one or view helpful HIV-related resources in the Central Florida area. The kit will arrive in non-discrete packaging to be mindful of privacy.

Meeting Materials: June 18, 2024

Next Meeting: July 16, 2024- Lake County

01. 061824 RW Community Meeting Agenda-Draft

02. RWCM Vision, Mission, COI

03. 05212024 RW Community Meeting Minutes

04. Bridge Report 0618124

05. Emergency Financial Assistance (EFA)_updated_060624

05a. Local Pharmaceutical Assistance Program (LPAP)_updated_060624

06. JMW SURE Housing Presentation

07. 6.18.24 Public Benefits








2023-2024 Planning Cycle


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2021-2022 Planning Cycle


2020-2021 Planning Cycle